“Together everyone achieves more!“ Carina Pirngruber & Ali Rahimi
Meinungen zu Nussyy
"No sugar! Why is it so pleasantly sweet? It is a healthy bonbon! Mmmmmmmh delicious!"
Hermann Nitsch - Austrian painter and artist
"How is it possible to create such beautiful works of art from products as simple as this?!"
Rudolf Hundstorfer - December 2008 until 2016 federal minister for labor, social issues, and consumer protection
"Apple and nuts, my dietary staple! I like that!"
Karl Schranz - skiing legend
"Very refreshing, fruity, really nice! They taste amazing!"
Stefan Schauer - partner - Staud's GmbH
"A jewel made of fruit and nuts."
Karin Risser - health manager
"NUSSYY® amazes me because it is so precious. The nuts are precious, our health is precious, and life is precious!"
Prof. Hademar Bankhofer - medical journalist and health expert
"How can a "f***ing" nut reveal this much information? So clean, every single one ins such perfect conditions! Unbelieveable!"
Martin Ho - restaurateur and art collector - Dots Beteiligungs GmbH
"These fine nuances... I have to tell you honestly, I have never experienced so much with a culinary product - even though I am a sensualist! Really, I have never experienced this much! Ginger, that technically is so intense in his taste of its own takes a step back, and lets the raspberry unfold her fulll potential first. Very significant!"
Barbara Forsthuber - COO - Stadt Wien Marketing GnbH
"Many Entrepreneurs have already pitched their ideas to me, and asked for my opinion. NUSSYY® is the first project in a long time that gave me goosebumps!"
Johannes Gutmann - founder and owner of the SONNENTOR Kräuterhandels GmbH
"It tastes very nice, and it is stylish! I like it!"
Marika Lichter - singer and artist manager
"The NUSSYY®s do not only look good, but their taste is what truly fascinates me! Something new, surprising, amazing! It is not only the sum of three different tastes, but it creates a new one. Indescribably tasty - simply INDESCRIBABLE!"
Dkfm. Hans Staud - owner and managing partner - Staud's GmbH
"A great idea for a healthy snack!"
Wolfgang Puck - high-end gastronomer and chef of the annual Academy Awards Ceremony